Easter is a day we gather to celebrate that Jesus did not just die on the cross but rose from the dead three days later. His death and resurrection gave us a chance to receive forgiveness for our sins. We celebrate because in Him we have life to the full.
What to Expect
Easter Sunday morning lasts about 75-90 minutes. We sing some worship songs and listen to one of our pastors. Dress at BCUC ranges from casual to dressy, but people tend to lean a bit fancy on Easter.
What if its been a long time?
You are most welcome here. At Buchanan we love receiving people who are returning to church, trying it out, or want to grow in their faith. Since we are a small church don't be surprised if we come up to welcome you. You can grab some coffee from the kitchen, learn about us at the self-service info table, or head straight in and find a seat in the sanctuary.
Celebrating the risen Jesus
Holy Week Service Times
Palm Sunday
Kick off Holy Week with Palm Sunday the day to remember Jesus' entrance to Jerusalem riding on a donkey.
Join us for an intimate adult Bible study.
Sunday Sunrise
Just like the women going to the tomb we rise early for a quiet, peaceful time of remembrance through song and a short sermon.
Easter Sunday Worship
He's Alive! We gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Easter Evening
Evening adult Bible study. Children are welcome to sit with you through service.