Brian Birkhimer
Lead Pastor
Pastor Brian has been with our church for over twenty years. He shares the word of God weekly with our church, boldly speaking the truth even when it is hard to hear. He serves with his wife Rhonda. They have two adult children, one who serves on the tech team, and one who serves as a teacher for our Deep Seekers program.

Tyler Fyffe
Associate Pastor
Pastor Tyler graduated from Boston University with his Masters in Theology. Tyler grew up at Buchanan and we are happy to have him back home to serve. Tyler is passionate about people knowing God through the Bible and digging deep into scripture.

Phil McAllister
First Elder
Phil ministers as our first elder through his careful attention to detail. He is often the one to go during a sermon or lesson when we need to find a scripture or look up a word in Greek. Phil serves with his wife Cindy who works with the Youth. They have two grown children who serve in their respective churches across our area.

Malachi Pulliam
Second Elder
Ki joined us when he met his wife, Hannah who grew up here at BCUC. They officially joined our church in 2022. Ki is a wherever you need me kind of guy. He is very relational, seeing needs others often miss. On a typical Sunday you can find him at the tech table and helping out wherever is needed. Ki and Hannah have recently welcomed their first son, McAllister.

Daniel Patrick
Worship Leader/ Third Elder
Our church values using music as an avenue to connect people to Jesus. Danny works with the worship team every week to choose songs and music, inviting people into the presence of Jesus. He and his wife Vickie have served at Buchanan since their marriage in 1994. They have one adult daughter who serves on the worship team at Buchanan.

Landen Clemmons
Youth Leader
Landen is fairly new to our family, coming in late 2020. He loves Jesus deeply, can get right into the fun with the students, but most important has a passion for students hearing about Jesus. He served as an assistant to our Youth Leader for two years before taking the reins himself. He serves with his wife Lexi who is our Assistant Youth Leader.

McKayla Patrick
Sunday School Superintendent
McKayla grew up at BCUC, officially joining the church in 2022. She has a passion for kids to understand the truth of the gospel and what it means to follow Christ. She also serves on the worship team and helps in the social media department.