#36 From Supper to the Garden

Mar 27, 2024    Phil McAllister, Tyler Fyffe, McKayla Patrick

In this episode we transition from the last supper to the Garden of Gethsemane.

Questions for this episode:

1. Given what we know about participating in communion in an unworthy manner, why do you think Jesus allowed Judas to participate?

2. Jesus tells his disciples in John 13 that washing their feet was a practice they should continue. Why do you think some, if not most churches emphasize communion, but not foot washing?

3. Why do the soldiers fall down when Jesus first spoke to them, but not the second time?

4. Why did the soldiers first take Jesus to Annas?

5. Jesus had made a practice of spending time in Gethsemane. He knew the moment of decision was coming and he made a practice of going there. What does this say about our practices and rhythms?